Thursday, September 18, 2008

Essay 2 Journal

Thursday September 18th, 2008
I decided to join a group devoted to the New York Yankees, via Google groups. I found it very interesting. There was discussion, as expected, of the Yankees, however the discussions seemed to be dominated by political talk. People used it to ask questions about star players, like where Jeter when to college, but Republican Vice President candidate Sarah Palin was talked about much more than the focus of the group. Talks about how "hot" she is seemed to be most popular. There was also discussion about McCain, but Palin was definately the hottest topic in the group. There were also some advertisements, and of course, soem spam, with opportunities to visit websites to see naked celebrities. I expected the spam and advertisements, but was really shocked at the political talk. I expected sports fans, especially New York Yankee fans, to be a little more focused on actual baseball.

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